Tag Archives: Ruger

Gone but not forgotten….

Have you ever had a gun, bow, fish’n rod, or outdoor piece of equipment that you wished you had never gotten rid of.  I do,  on several occasions.  The one that I was most recently reminded of came at the 2011 SHOT Show when I past by the Ruger Booth.  There it was beautiful stainless steel, 7.5 in barrel, 6 shot, .44, Super Redhawk with Hogue Grips.  Wow, did that bring back memories.  That is one gun I hope to put back in my safe in the coming years.  I recall from 1992 – 1997 some great years of hunting and shooting with that old gun.


Is there anything in your spiritual walk that you’ve gotten rid of or wished you had never stopped doing.  You know sometimes we put away things in our walk with God, because we don’t think we’ll need them again…. until we reach a situation where we wished we had it in our backpack.  This could be as simple as our daily time with God for prayer and bible reading.  It could also be that very important spiritual partner in your life that holds you accountable for you spiritual walk, life decisions, and future.  What is gone in your spiritual walk this very day, but not forgotten.  Reclaim what once made you healthy.


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Joshua 1:8


Make today the first day of reclaiming those tools that make you the best version of you that you can be.  (i.e. – bible reading, specific time of prayer, journal, spiritual partner, accountability, etc…)  Stop right now and decide on one thing you will do this week that will bring you closer to your Creator God.

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Posted by on January 27, 2011 in Devotional


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